Metalogue: What is a Journal of Conceptual Criticism?

reader What is a “journal of conceptual criticism”?

editor We started out with the subtitle “Journal for Experimental Criticism” …

r So what did you mean by “experimental criticism”?

e We meant to convey the idea of publishing criticism that was more exploratory and more open to unforeseen outcomes.

r So why now the change in subtitle?

e The shift in title is an attempt to cash in on the recognizability and popularity of the conceptual writing movement, many of whose leading figures we have included in our pages.

r Are you being serious?

e Criticism need not be antithetical to humor, as Steamers and Cloaca both demonstrate. Convolution 3 was meant to be an experiment in “editing in the expanded field.”

r What does that mean?

e We aspire to bring together writers and artists from many fields under a loose rubric. The Macy Conferences, for instance, generated a fascinating array of multidisciplinary work.



r So is that what the cover image relates to?

designer [ interrupts ] Nah, It’s about spending too much time on Skype.

e I just edit the text. I depend on interdisciplinary help for the images.

r So “editing in the expanded field” means not just an interdisciplinary approach, but also an openness to the interplay of editing and design?

d We just pick the fonts. Design is what happens behind the scenes.

e Good designers are too modest.

d Unlike good editors.

e Uh, well there you have it: a small example of the kind of back and forth that goes into “editing in the expanded field.” Any more jargon we can help you out with?

r I have a feeling I may need more help, but I guess should be able to Google it. Isn’t everything these days “a cybernetic séance”?

e Pretty much.